Work media products is By Nerds For Nerds - Ritvvij Parrikh Work media products is By Nerds For Nerds | Ritvvij Parrikh Humane ClubMade in Humane Club

Work media products is By Nerds For Nerds

The best online content is written by nerds (natives) in a topic for nerds (natives) in the same topic. Most of us are silent bystanders — Immigrants, Tourists, Enthusiasts — who observe these two groups conversing on the nuances of the topic of interest.

Most marketing is about increasing the surface area by expanding your reach outward. In contrast, most sales are about bringing outsiders in.

For example, Apple used to be a company that sold $2000 laptops. Then Steve Jobs launched iTunes for Windows, a free music management software that everyone could download. This was followed by the iPod, a $100 device. Slowly but steadily, everyone could try, taste, and understand the value proposition of Apple and move inward from enthusiast to tourist to immigrant, until they eventually became natives.


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